Apple Expo 2003

AppleExpo08Small.jpgLast week-end, I was in Paris visiting some relatives and what a coincidence: It was the the last day of this year’s Apple Expo, so I thought I’ll stop by. Of course, I saw the new 15″ PowerBook and other new products like the wireless mouse and keyboard, but I was most impressed by the XServe and XServe RAID machines exposed. When I think about the struggle when dealing with Sun server machines und how much costs they cause …
The Apple booth was ways bigger than all others, and really well done. It was funny that there was not a single iBook exposed, but there were so many PowerBooks there you couldn’t miss them. The new 15″ doesn’t produce as much heat as the original 12″ PowerBook does, but I would not want to work several hours in a row on that machine.

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