Double-clicking NSTableViews

If you want to handle double-clicks in NSTableViews, be sure to check out following Q&A article from Apple: Debugging NSTableView’s “Action Invocation” binding. It saved me a lot of time.

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Unexpected error using mdimport

If you are using mdimport and get the message Can't checkin with server named, then it’s quite possible that Spotlight’s metadata datatore is broken. To fix the problem run sudo mdutil -E /Volumes/MyVolume to erase the broken datastore.
If the error occurred on a Xsan volume, it may be a good idea to unmount the volume on all client computers but one (the one where you will run the mdutil command from).

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Xsan and Spotlight

If you are running Xsan and think about enabling Spotlight indexing (using mdutil -i) for an Xsan volume, please don’t. Spotlight isn’t designed to work with volumes mounted on more than one machine simultaneously.

The side-effects of enabling Spotlight indexing on Xsan volumes are:

  • Weird error messages when renaming files and folders on AFP-mounted volumes residing on Xsan volumes.
  • Inconsistent Spotlight stores; you could find files on an Xsan volume mounted on one machine which where deleted from another machine having the same Xsan volume mounted.

Setup: Mac OS X Server 10.4.9 on PPC and Intel Xserves, Xsan 1.4.x

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SiteCapture released!

SiteCapture IconFinally! SiteCapture 1.0 is officially released. It’s a software utility for Mac OS X which creates screen shots and thumbnails of web pages. With one click, SiteCapture loads a set of web pages and creates images in the format you want. The last feature that made it into version 1.0 is an Automator action which allows every user to create his unique workflow. Check it out at and tell me what you think about it.

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Adobe Reader 8.0

Adobe has released the new Reader version corresponding to Acrobat 8 released a few weeks earlier and I’m very pleased of the mac version especially, because it runs natively on Intel Macs and has been partially rewritten in Cocoa (the main binary is still linked to the Carbon framework, but some parts like the welcome screen are definitely Cocoa).

Some of the new features besides the ones described on the product page include image selection and copying! Click on an image of an unprotected PDF file, click on the right mouse button or hit Command-C and the image gets copied to the system clipboard. Very cool.

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SiteCapture coming soon!

SiteCapture Teaser

More information will be posted on my Mac OS X software page soon.

Posted in Software, Web | 2 Comments

Never call [object dealloc]

My tip of the day when coding in Objective C: Never call the dealloc method yourself unless you really know what you are doing! Using release is usually a much better choice 🙂 .

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While reading the Ajaxian news, I stumbled upon Aptana which finally led me to AFLAX through one of its screencasts.

AFLAX is Flash based canvas object which can be fully accessed by JavaScript. That’s what I call a great idea! Now you can use Flash without even touching the Flash IDE.

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Noch 73 Tage…

… bis Herbstbeginn!

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JavaScript Debugger for WebKit

The latest WebKit nightly build incorporates a second application called Drosera which is a standalone JavaScript debugger. To debug JavaScript, Drosera can connect to a debug server which can be any application using a recent WebKit build, like the latest Safari-WebKit build itself.

After having been attached, Drosera can display any part of JS currently loaded by WebKit. Nice!

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