Bad User Interfaces, part 1

How is a mere mortal supposed to know what a “sync endpoint” is?

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Not so cuil


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Kaffee ist gesund!


(News, Ausgabe vom 2. Juli 2008)

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Teaser of kooaba visual search client on iPhone

At work, we started working on the native iPhone client for our mobile search engine two weeks ago, and since we had a working version just after one week of development using the iPhone SDK, we felt comfortable releasing a short preview video. Enjoy!

Posted in iPhone, Software, Visual Search | 2 Comments

One Hour to Finish

Finishing Burning.png

Finishing – or – The beginning of the end 🙂

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Make /opt invisible

Say you installed MacPorts on Mac OS X Leopard (client) and now there is a new folder called “opt” in the root level of the startup disk. To make it invisible in the Finder (but not in Terminal), enter the following command in the Terminal:

sudo SetFile -a V /opt

Make sure to restart the Finder to see the change. To make the folder visible again, enter sudo SetFile -a v /opt (lowercase ‘v’).

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Apple TV 2.0, first impressions

appletv.pngI just updated my Apple TV with v2.0 of the software and I must say I’m rather pleased! Here are my top new features:

  • The “Sources” switch is gone! If an iTunes source is online, all synced and remote contents are available simultaneously. When no external source is available then Apple TV just displays the local contents.
  • In the movie trailer part, there is a special HD-Trailer section.
  • When browsing a TV show, the episodes are subtly grouped by season.
  • After having started to play a song, it isn’t stopped when returning to the top level menu of the system.
  • The YouTube application (which was already superior the the iPhone variant in Apple TV 1) now features subscriptions.
  • The podcast browser and photo-sharing clients are great.
  • You can use Apple TV as AirTunes receiver.

Now all that is missing is some video-content to buy in Europe.

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Copying Tables from Safari to Numbers

Recently I wanted to copy parts of an HTML table from Safari to Numbers. Instead of getting an approximate copy where the HTML cells match the ones in Numbers, I got a list of all table cells in one column.



Strangely, when pasting table data from Safari to Excel – or Firefox to Numbers – the pasting works as expected:


So before Apple fixes this “bug”, you can paste the table first in a text editor, than re-copy the text from the editor and paste it into Numbers.

Posted in Apple, Mac, Software | 3 Comments

iPod touch Software 1.1.2

So I updated my iPod touch to v1.1.2 yesterday.

iPod Software 1.1.2.png

Altough the only announced new features are “Bug fixes”, there are at least two new features. iPod touch in iTunes Source ListFirst, the battery status is displayed in the iTunes source list (when the iPod is connected, of course). Second, you can finally add or edit calendar entries. The next missing features from the iPhone I want in my iPod is the Mail application.

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SiteCapture 1.0.2 Released

Just a quick post to let everyone know that SiteCapture 1.0.2 was released yesterday. It is a minor release with following changes:

  • Added the ability to edit an address of the ‘Own list’ by double-clicking the address row.
  • Changed the way screenshots are generated when an URL points to a PDF file.
  • Made the main window resizable.
Posted in Mac, Software | 1 Comment